Best Cat Toys in India 2023

Cat Toy - Analysis and Buying Guide - 2023

You only have to see a cat batting around a bottle cap or hopping on a blade of grass moving in the breeze to realize that they are extremely playful animals. All cat parents should purchase a selection of quality cat toys for their feline friends to keep them happy and encourage their playful spirit.

Kittens not only have fun playing with cat toys, but the toys also provide mental and physical stimulation, helping your cat to stay active and prevent boredom. Knowing that your cat is happy will make you happy too, so everyone is a winner.

Best Cat Toys in India

However, with such a wide variety of cat toys on the market, selecting the right ones for your furry family member can seem overwhelming. Don't worry. At Real Indian we have prepared this detailed guide to cat toys to facilitate your purchase decisions.

Take a look at the product matrix above to find our five favorite cat toys, or read on to find out more.

Key Considerations

Types of Cat Toys

Sure, you want to buy a cat toy, but what kind? With so many toys available, the first step is to decide what type or types you want to buy for your feline friend. Although this list is not exhaustive, here are some of the most common varieties of Cat Toys : 

  • Cat Dancers or Wands : 

These are pieces of string or other material on a stick, sometimes with feathers or the like on the end. If you hold the stick and wave the string, your cat chases after it. It is simple.

  • Stuffed Toys :

Cats love to jump and wrestle with stuffed animals that may or may not be filled with catnip.

  • Balls and Mice :

Balls, mice, and other small cat toys are perfect for felines who like to bat and chase objects.

  • Laser Toys :

You can find both simple hand-operated laser pointers to entertain your cat, and large toys that automatically send a laser beam around the room, so all you have to do is turn it on and watch the game unfold. chaos.

  • Chasers :

Electronic chase toys typically feature a ball or other small object running around a track for your feline friend to chase.

  • Tunnels :

Some cats love to play in and out of tunnels, while others just use them as a place to hang out.

Characteristics of The Cat Toy

  • Play Alone vs. Play with a Human

Although most cat toys are designed so that your cat can play with them alone, you can also find quite a few toys that require human input, such as wands and laser pointers. Playing with your cat is fun and a good bonding experience. However, you probably don't want to shake a cat toy 24 hours a day, so choose a few toys that your cat can play with on its own.

  • Materials

Cat toys should be made from safe, sturdy materials that are durable enough to withstand rough play. Other than that, look for cat toys that incorporate materials with a range of textures, such as crinkled sisal or something similar for your cat to scratch on, crinkled material that makes an interesting sound, and soft fleece, which many cats like to knead .

  • Size

Small toys are better for batting, while larger ones are great for wrestling and kicking. Some cats prefer big or small toys, and other cats enjoy both. If you're not sure, try selecting a range of different sized toys to see what your feline friend likes best.

  • Catnip

Nepeta cataria – aka "catnip" – is a plant in the mint family that has a strange effect on cats. Not all kitties are affected by catnip, but those that are tend to roll, salivate, meow, do head rubbing, and more when they come into contact with the grass. It seems to make cats happy and is believed to relieve stress. Many cat toys are filled with catnip, adding an extra dimension of fun for your feline friend.


Check that the toys you choose are safe for your cat. Buy the toys from a reputable manufacturer. They should be made of non-toxic materials and durable enough that your cat can't easily tear off small parts that could be a choking hazard.

Choose toys for older cats wisely. As cats get older, they may not be able to jump like they used to. It's best to choose toys that your older kitten can play with at her own pace, rather than electronic toys that might encourage her to move in ways that aren't good for her.

Consider puzzle games to engage your cat's brain. Just like us, cats can get bored if they have little to do. Interactive cat puzzle games help engage gray matter and mentally stimulate your feline friend.

Distribute treats with a treat-dispensing toy. If your cat is always looking for tasty treats, she might enjoy a toy that dispenses treats. These toys are not only very boring, but they also make the treats last longer, which is good if you need to keep an eye on your cat's weight.

Select a toy that suits your cat's interests. Does your cat go crazy for catnip? Do you like to hide in tight places? Or are you interested in stalking and jumping? The way your cat behaves from day to day will give you an idea of the kinds of toys she might enjoy.


Que. Is it safe to let my cat play with her toys without supervision?

Ans. Most cat toys are not recommended for unsupervised play, but many cat parents make choices. Any toy that your cat can get caught on, tangled with, or choke on is a hard nose. Decent-sized balls and plush toys with no loose parts are relatively safe for unsupervised play. However, it is up to you to decide what is best.

Que. Can I leave the electronic cat toys on all day?

Ans. Electronic cat toys tend to have moving parts that encourage cats to chase, jump and attack. Although these activities are good for your cat in moderation, leaving a toy with moving parts running all day could cause your cat to overexert herself.

Que. Are there specific toys for kittens?

Ans. Although there are a handful of toys designed for kittens, most cat toys are suitable for use by young cats as well as adults. Just be sure to choose smaller toys for little kitties and remove any small pieces or strings that could be a choking hazard.

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